school girls

Key Facts

  • Female genital mutilation and cutting (FGM) is a harmful practice that involves the removal of part or all of the female genitalia. This is often done as a tradition in an attempt to preserve the chastity of women both before and during marriage. [1]

  • Only 1 out of every 10 people in the U.S. who Global Woman Peace Foundation had asked about FGM in 2005 knew what it was or had heard of it. [2]

  • In 2014, 8 out of every 10 people they asked either knew what FGM was or they had heard of it. Now 5 years later in 2019, GWPF’s findings in 2014 have not had a drastic change, but there has been a slight improvement. 

  • There is anti-FGM legislation in 38 states, 12 have yet to criminalize it. [3]

  • 22-year-old genital mutilation law that hasn’t been used until 2017 when Dr. Jumana Nagarwala was arrested and accused of mutilating the genitalia of young girls. These changes were eventually dropped and the extent and enforcement of FGM laws remains unclear. [4]

  • October 2019: The Stop FGM Act is introduced to clarify congressional authority and increase protections for girls. The bill is in the House Committee on the Judiciary waiting to be approved and sent to the full House of Representative for a vote. [5]

Key Scriptures

  • John 14:15 “If you love me, keep my commands.”

  • Psalm 127:3 “Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord. The fruit of the womb is a reward.”

  • Hebrews 13:4 “Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will judge.”

  • Psalm 82:3 “Defend the poor and fatherless; Do justice to the afflicted and needy.”

  • Romans 12:1 “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.”

  • 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 “Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.”

school girls


Many injustices in contemporary culture have been brought to the attention of the church by the media and subsequent outrage. However, there are some injustices in contemporary culture that seem to slip below the radar of the church as they are difficult and sometimes even taboo to discuss for religious or racial reasons. Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is one of these injustices. 

What's the Concern? 

Female genital mutilation and cutting (FGM) is a harmful practice that involves the removal of part or all of the female genitalia. Female Genital Mutilation often is perpetrated against young girls ages 0-15. Because of its violent nature, subsequent health concerns, and imposition on young girls without consent, it is widely viewed as a human rights violation. The side effects of FGM are all negative and can be extreme. Some of the more severe symptoms include infertility, death to the mother or baby during childbirth, and major psychological damage.

However, the research and assessments of this secretive procedure are difficult to interpret and respond to. As such, this practice has received little attention and its laws have nearly no enforcement. One such example is a 22 year old law in Michigan that had never been enforced until a 2017 case against Dr. Nagarwala. Despite the increase in victims of this practice, the legislative response to FGM has been slow and erratic. 

What Does the Bible Say? 

Female Genital Mutilation occurs across cultural, religious, and physical boundaries. It is more common in certain cultures, but can be found all over the world. FGM is often used as a way to control sexual behaviors in women and can be seen as a virtue of chastity. In the Bible, sexual purity is incredibly important. However, this is not the biblical way to approach chastity. Biblically, sexual purity is a way to show reverence and love to God as we obey His commands (Eph. 5:3; John 14:15). Sexual purity is a virtue in that it results from an obedient heart, not from mutilating one’s genitals. FGM, on the other hand, attempts to force sexual purity without addressing the heart of the individual. Therefore, it is not a reflection of biblical sexual purity, but a misplaced attempt to garner holiness.

Additionally, this violates Scripture’s commands to honor and care for our bodies (1 Cor. 6:19-20). As Christians, we recognize that our bodies are not our own. Rather, we were bought with the blood of Jesus and are temples of the Holy Spirit. Bodily mutilation and self harm through FGM are not reflective of honoring one’s own body. 

FGM also removes the blessing of sexual pleasure in the correct context of marriage. Proverbs 5:18 states “Let your fountain be blessed, and take pleasure in the wife of your youth.” Sexual intercourse inside the context of marriage is to be enjoyed by both husband and wife. The reproductive organs, created by God, function partially for this purpose. To mutilate what is given by God to be a blessing, is a despicable act of control and violence against another individual. 

Mutilation of another’s body is wrong for Christians. Christians are called to protect and care for the vulnerable. Children are recognized as vulnerable in society. This means that Christians have a responsibility to protect children from harm. This procedure brings significant physical and emotional harm to the individual. To mutilate a child in this way is not a representation of love and care for others. This abuse should be adamantly opposed in every way. 

What Should Christians Do? 

First, Christians must become more aware in order to address this issue. Many survivors state that they had never talked to another person about what happened to them, even within their own families. They often silently believe that this mutilation happens to every woman and is a part of life. Raising awareness and discussion about this issue can begin to deconstruct the hold that this secretive practice has on women and girls. 

Second, Christians have a responsibility to pray for those who have injustices perpetrated against them. As we consider the best course of action in response to this, it is crucial to ask God for guidance and to keep our hearts in the right place as we seek justice in these matters. 

Third, Christians should be active in their justice system. Christians should vote to prohibit both the practice which exists in the US and the deliberate travel to other countries to have the procedure done on underage women. There is currently legislation that has been introduced to the House to increase efforts to eliminate FGM in America. This is something that Christians can show support for as a way to advocate for vulnerable girls in America. 



FGM is an injustice in America and around the world that has been allowed to flourish in secret. As Christians advocate for justice, this is one injustice that we should not turn a blind eye to. Christian involvement may look different for individual Christians, but it is our responsibility as a church to speak out on such issues. As we seek justice, let us allow the Holy Spirit to lead our hearts and the actions in our churches (Romans 8:14). 


