
Key Facts

  • A party platform is a formal set of principal goals supported by that particular party in order to appeal to the general public and garner support and votes. [1]

  • Party platforms communicate the goals of a specific party and do not always align perfectly with the party’s primary candidate in an election. For example, the RNC has stated opposition to the supreme court ruling in favor of gay marriage, but President Donald Trump, the party’s primary candidate, has gone on record in support of gay marriage. [2]

  • The RNC platform has not been updated, and the party has decided to employ the same platform as it used in 2016. They have also included a resolution to the platform stating their enthusiastic support for President Trump, although they have not mentioned his apparent disagreement over certain topics, most notably LGBTQ+ issues. [3]

Key Scriptures

  • Proverbs 31:8-9 “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.”

  • Proverbs 14:34 “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.”

  • Micah 6:8 “What does the Lord require of you? To act justly, and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”

man with sign for justice


The full RNC and DNC platforms provide details regarding their principles on taxation, trade policy, homeownership, minimum wage, and many other issues. Many of these issues are not necessarily moral issues and rely on discernment to find solutions. As issues of discernment rather than biblical truth, there will be Christians on both sides of these issues. I have tried to highlight below the most morally charged topics and assess which platform best aligns with the Christian worldview. 


abortion comparison chart


Perhaps the most significant issue for modern-day Christians in politics is abortion. It is also one of the clearest divergences between party platforms. The RNC platform argues against abortion and the federal funding of abortion facilities while the DNC proposes their full support for what they call “women’s rights.” There are many biblical reasons that Christians should oppose abortion, one of which being the image-bearing, fully human presentation of fetuses in the Bible (Psalm 139:13-16; Genesis 25:21-22). In fact, a fetus was the first person to recognize Jesus as the Messiah (Luke 1:44). Christians should seek to end this injustice wherever possible and be a voice for the voiceless (Prov. 31:8-9).


healthcare comparison chart


The DNC hopes to impose a form of socialized medicine that is provided by the government and funded by the taxpayer, while the RNC hopes to go back to a more free-market style of healthcare, with the goal of limiting the cost of healthcare and making it the responsibility of individuals. In addition to the cost of healthcare, the RNC and DNC disagree on what qualifies as healthcare. The DNC hopes to include all forms of contraceptives, abortions, and gender transitions as patient options even if they may go against the conscience of the doctor. The RNC is opposed to abortion, as previously stated, but also suggests that doctors should have the freedom to follow their conscience and not be required to perform treatments or provide medications that go against their morals. 

Different arguments can be made from the Bible regarding which form of healthcare is best. It is a question of discernment regarding which system will function better in our modern context. Government-provided healthcare has had significant problems including high costs, rationing, and extremely long waiting lists to receive treatments. [4] However, the concerns of individuals not being able to afford their healthcare in a purely free-market healthcare system would be equally significant. 

This is an issue that doesn’t necessarily affect the biblical basis for supporting either the RNC or DNC platforms as both propositions have advantages and drawbacks. However, one clear distinction is in the ability of Christian doctors to be able to follow their conscience in obedience to God. This means that if a doctor does not feel it morally appropriate to provide a certain medicine or treatment, they should not do this (Romans 14:1-23). Because of this, the RNC platform may better align with the Christian worldview by allowing doctors to follow their conscience. 


welfare comparison


The RNC platform makes clear their goal for independence of all people from government assistance. The DNC is not as clear regarding these issues and seeks to invest more money into support programs for impoverished communities. The Bible gives us a balanced approach to poverty which teaches us to avoid coveting others possessions or money and work hard while also taking seriously the command to care for the needy (Acts 20:33-35). This means that government programs to assist the needy can be of use, but should not function as an contributor of envy or slothfulness or as a substitute for charity and generosity. Christians may disagree on the best ways to simultaneously help the poor and avoid the pitfalls of encouraging a sinful heart. This means that, while welfare should be assessed under careful scrutiny, neither the RNC or the DNC platform are in stark disagreement with the Bible on this issue. 

The Environment 

environment comparison chart


The importance of taking care of the environment is clearly stated in the Scriptures (Gen. 1:26-30). While the RNC hopes that states will use their land and resources wisely, they seem somewhat flippant about the dangers of overuse and deforestation for economic growth. The DNC makes the environment a top priority issue, although they reduce the ability of farmers and other agricultural workers by incentivizing conservation (raising the cost of water and other products to reduce use). While their approach has significant flaws, some may consider it a step in the right direction because the DNC has a plan to protect the land from the results of unfettered greed. However, others might consider DNC policy overprotective and prioritizes the protection of the environment at the expense of human need and flourishing.

Reducing Debt

debt comparison chart


Christians should seek to avoid debt both in their personal finances as well as on a national level. This means that the RNC platform is in better alignment with the Bible on this issue as it seeks to lower the federal debt and place limitations on government spending. The DNC platform advocates for more spending and has no plan to tackle federal debt. Psalm 37:21 reminds us that the wicked borrow and do not repay. While debt is not inherently evil, it should always be used with caution and include a plan for speedy repayment (Romans 13:8). 


Immigration comparison chart


Statements made by the RNC regarding immigration are out of line with biblical principles. One such statement is that unless they can be vetted properly, refugees who come from ‘breeding grounds for terrorism’ should not be admitted. Calling countries “breeding grounds” is dehumanizing and not in accordance with viewing immigrants and refugees as image-bearers of God (Ephesians 4:29). This proposal also puts a heavy responsibility on those born in these countries who may be seeking refuge from the unrest or dangers of their home country. As Christians, we know that God shows no partiality and we should not judge people based solely on their nationality (Deut. 10:17; Rom. 2:11; Gal. 3:28). While national security is important, immigrants should not be rejected only on the basis of their national origin. That being said, the DNC platform also contains unbiblical statements regarding immigration, including that no refugee or asylum seeker should ever be turned away. This is not in line with biblical teachings to protect one’s family from threats that could pass through the border under the guise of an asylum seeker or refugee (1 Tim. 5:8). This issue is very complex, but the presentations at hand seem to give disregard for at least one biblical command. Therefore, Christians may have to look to alternative issues to decide which platform best aligns with biblical principles. 


Israel comparison chart


The DNC platform proposes a two state solution to the Israel Palestine conflict, while The RNC platform purports its unequivocal support for Israel. Christians may take differing approaches to the current state of Israel in relation to the promises of God, but one thing is clear --God has not forgotten His people. As Christians we should recognize the longstanding Judeo-Christian history of Israel and support the role that God has given them in being a light to the nations (Isa. 42:6). Both of the platforms seem to show support for Israel, however, the RNC platform goes a step beyond by pledging unequivocal support while the DNC platform backs a two-state solution. There are dangers in an extreme version of either of these positions. As Christians support Israel, we must also recognize their propensity for sin just like the rest of us (Rom. 3:10). On the other side, there is the danger of reducing the special relationship between God and Israel to nothing more than an alliance based on mutual political goals. It is not clear whether the RNC or DNC platforms contain the perfect characterization of America’s ideal relationship with Israel. However, it seems that the RNC takes into account the religious history and significance of Israel, while the DNC views the issue in solely practical terms. 

Fight Against Genocide and Human Trafficking

human trafficking genocide comparison chart


The RNC approaches these issues more ‘hands-on’ and includes a willingness to work with other nations in order to end these acts of violence. The DNC seeks to be a model to countries with genocide rather than actively fight against it. They also hope to allow more trafficking victims into the country as a solution. However, the proposed solutions of exemplary behavior and allowance for proximity do not fight against evil in a strong enough way (Proverbs 31:8-9). The role of Christians is bigger than exemplary behavior, but to what extent the government should be involved in seeking justice is a question of discernment for believers. 

Marriage and Family

marriage and family comparison chart


Many LGBTQ+ issues (such as marriage and protection from discrimination) have been enacted through Supreme Court decisions. The differences between these RNC and DNC platforms concerning this issue is not on the legality of the acts themselves, but concerning the equivalence under law between a LGBTQ+ marriage and a “traditional” marriage. The RNC platform is clear about their understanding of marriage in the traditional sense: between one man and one woman. While they do not advocate for the banning of LGBTQ+ acts or relationships, they view those relationships as out of line with the definition of marriage. This “traditional” definition of marriage is in alignment with the biblical view of marriage. On the contrary, the DNC is clear in its unwavering support and advocacy for gay and transgender rights. Their understanding of LGBTQ+ relationships as equivalent to traditional marital relationships has led them not only to redefine marriage, but also family. The DNC clearly states their support for adoption by those in non-traditional relationships. This results in children being raised in homes without a father or without a mother and goes against the family structure which God placed in the beginning (Gen. 2:24; Col. 3:18-21). The RNC platform more closely aligns with the Bible on this issue as it affirms a biblical marriage and thus, a biblical foundation for raising children. 

LGBTQ+ Agenda 

lgbt agenda comparison chart


The DNC encourages the furtherance of the LGBTQ+ agenda, while the RNC holds to traditional marriage (and thus traditional gendering and sexual orientation) as the foundation for a free society. The LGBTQ+ agenda encompasses a wide range of contemporary issues, including anti-discrimination laws which can come into conflict with protections for a Christian to follow their conscience, LGBTQ+ adoption rights, sex education, and public accommodations for those who do not conform to their birth gender. While adoption rights have already been addressed and shown to be out of line with the biblical standard for family, there are additional concerns with the DNC’s LGBTQ+ goals. As Christians, we never want to encourage others to exchange the truth for a lie (Rom. 1:25). People begin to do this when they reject God’s truth of how they were created. As Christians strive to treat others with love, they must do so in truth (Eph. 4:15). While the RNC platform does not provide a comprehensive guide to addressing LGBTQ+ concerns, it is clear to see that the DNC platform’s guide to addressing these concerns is not well-matched with the biblical teachings. 


education comparison chart


School choice is one particular issue on which the RNC and DNC platforms diverge. While Democrats hope to make every school in every area a top-tier institution, Republicans hope to allow a free-market to encourage institutions to raise their standard of education. These differences don’t seem of particular biblical value until we examine whose role it is to teach a child. According to the Bible, it is the parents responsibility to train their child correctly (Prov. 22:6; Eph. 6:4). This means that giving greater freedom for a parent to educate their child with what they believe is best is in alignment with biblical teaching. On the issue of school choice, the RNC platform more greatly aligns with the biblical doctrines regarding the education of our children. 

Another point of contention between the RNC and DNC platforms concerns sex education in public schools. While educating children about sex from an age appropriate standpoint is not wrong, a closer look at what is deemed to be appropriate shows that the DNC understanding of “age-appropriate” sex education falls short of that title. The curriculum very often involves teaching the state’s view of “healthy relationships,” which includes  sex before marriage, deviant behaviors, and LGBTQ+ practices, contrary to a Christian view of healthy relationships. As previously mentioned, it is the parent’s responsibility to educate their child in the correct teachings and the DNC prescribed sex education curriculum does not align with the biblical teachings on this issue. 

Separation of Church and State

Church and state separation comparison chart


The Bible recognizes the church and government as separate institutions (Matthew 22:21, John 18:36). Properly understood, separation of church and state is a safeguard to both the church and government from overstepping their God-ordained boundaries. On one hand, it protects the church against government intrusion. On the other hand, it protects the church from mission drift and prioritizing obtaining political power over advancing the gospel. It is expressed in the First Amendment to our Constitution when it says, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.”

However, separation of church and state can be misunderstood to mean that religious Americans should not let their political decisions or beliefs be influenced by their religious beliefs. Although not explicitly stated in their platform, Democrats tend to use this kind of argument to marginalize the voices of Christians in politics and remove religion from the public square. The Republican platform is more explicit about promoting religious Americans to exercise their rights to free speech as religious Americans. One such example of this is the RNC’s advocacy for the protection of chaplains in the military. Additionally, separation of church and state can be misunderstood to mean that the government should not work in conjunction with religiously-based organizations (such as adoption agencies or religious schools) by providing funding for a common goal. Democrats tend to promote this view whereas Republicans will allow such organizations to participate in government programs that are made available to the general public.

On this issue, while not always explicit, the RNC generally aligns more with a Christian worldview than the DNC.

Religious Liberty

religious liberty comparison chart


Religious liberty is an incredibly important topic that both the RNC and DNC platforms pledge to protect. However a closer look at the platforms suggests that they are not equal. This is because the DNC supports LGBTQ+ rights and women’s equality to the detriment of religious liberty. Therefore, the DNC’s understanding of what is racist or not, what is discriminatory or not, and, ultimately, what is right or wrong is the determining factor for who is afforded religious liberty. This tension between religious liberty and the aforementioned issues is displayed by the legal punishment of a Christian baker for refusing to bake a wedding cake for a homosexual wedding. The DNC claims it is discriminatory for Christians to hold to their religious convictions in this case. This is an instance where the DNC platform disagrees with the baker’s religiously motivated desires and would regard their religious convictions as discrimination against LGBTQ+ individuals. Considering the desire for Christians to express their religious convictions through bakeries, adoption agencies, and other businesses and non-profit organizations, the RNC platform more closely aligns with the Christian worldview.

The Courts 

the courts comparison chart


The role of the Supreme Court justices is a significant one in our political system. According to the oath a justice takes, it is their main goal to interpret the law and uphold the Constitution. Upholding this oath should be of utmost importance as one’s faithfulness to their word is an indicator of their character (Matt. 5:33). A Supreme Court justice should seek to make just rulings fervently (Mic. 6:8), but their understanding of justice should not cause them to forfeit their oath. The RNC seems to recognize the significance of this oath as it clarifies the importance of upholding the Constitution and recognizing the original intent of its authors.



In a two-party system, Christians recognize that they will not likely agree whole-heartedly with one position or the other. This results in matters of discernment to prioritize the most pressing concerns from a Christian perspective. While the DNC may show more concern for the environment than the RNC, the overall application of biblical principles appears to be stronger in the RNC. The most important commandments according to Jesus are to love God and love others. While the environment is important, it is not more crucial than the millions of lives lost to abortion. In addition, approaches to debt, human trafficking, and genocide seem to weigh in favor of the RNC platform. 


